Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Update - Direkt from DSi!

Well, here's another week of summer. I still have hardly anything to do (literally) but surf the internet & update my twitter status every 5 minutes.

I have gone through some interesting stuff though since my last post.
First, I asked out my crush about two weeks ago. She seemed pretty cool when I called, but it got awkward when I popped the question. Although she said she already had a date, she seemed really sincere when she said "I'm Sorry". I haven't talked to her since, but I sent her a message on Myspace that she has yet to read.
Next, Bob updated his site with the dreaded loading GIF and the words "090909 full release" underneath. What this means, no one knows for sure, but many speculate "90909" means the date September 9th, 2009.
Next, I got a short driving lesson from my dad last week on Thursday if I recall correctly. We went way out into the country and he let me go behind the wheel. I learned from this that I need a little help on turning but i'll probably get better over time.
Also, Father's Day was this past weekend. My dad and I got to watch the movie "Year One" together which was cool. The movie was, i'll admit, funny, but It may have poked a little too much fun at the bible. But that's just me.
Finally on my update, there are a few people that i've talked to over the weekend. These people are Giggles & Joe The Camera Guy; two close friends of the hosts of the popular webshow Friday Night Cranks. Spilling my guts here, i'm glad I was able to talk to these two normally as if with anyone else. I personally saw them as internet celebrities, but they're actually pretty cool! I joined with giggles (sorry for forgetting your real name), Joe & a few other FNC fans monday to play some Hangman and it was pretty fun while it lasted =). I'm glad I got to chill with these awesome people.

What's next for me? I'll post another blog soon ;) Meanwhile, please check out my pal's music above to help him win a record deal!

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